Click on the products to buy them.
Please note that all links take you to external sites/online shops - 4WCoP is not responsible for stock or delivery.
NB: If you are a named contributor at 4WCoP 2020 and have an online product related to your session/event that you would like to add to our shop before the Congress, email us at info/[email protected] with a live sales link plus a title/description (no more than 22 words) and we will do our best to add it. We are sorry we cannot also offer this to participants.
Heavy Time - Sonia Overall -
walk write (repeat) - Sonia Overall -
Walking Bodies - Smith and Billinghurst (eds.) -
A Refracted View - card deck - Billie Penfold -
walk write (repeat) - Sonia Overall -
Walking Bodies - Smith and Billinghurst (eds.) -
A Refracted View - card deck - Billie Penfold -
The Art of Walking - A collection of ambulatory and psychogeographical poems by Sonia Overall.
Aegina Days - paperback - by Fiona Weir - a collection of poems and pictures from lockdown on a Greek island published on Lulu.
Aegina Days - ebook - by Fiona Weir - a collection of poems and pictures from lockdown on a Greek island - PDF download.
Walking Weirdly Classic (digital PDF download) - A game for explorers outdoors - A game created by Fiona Weir.
Walking Weirdly Explore Indoors (digital PDF download) - NEW indoor explorations - A game created by Fiona Weir.
Roy Bayfield: Ejector Seat - new pamphlet of psychogeographical poems (pub poetry event)
Soul City Wandering - Frank Molloy's new book published on Amazon (pub poetry event)
Aegina Days - paperback - by Fiona Weir - a collection of poems and pictures from lockdown on a Greek island published on Lulu.
Aegina Days - ebook - by Fiona Weir - a collection of poems and pictures from lockdown on a Greek island - PDF download.
Walking Weirdly Classic (digital PDF download) - A game for explorers outdoors - A game created by Fiona Weir.
Walking Weirdly Explore Indoors (digital PDF download) - NEW indoor explorations - A game created by Fiona Weir.
Roy Bayfield: Ejector Seat - new pamphlet of psychogeographical poems (pub poetry event)
Soul City Wandering - Frank Molloy's new book published on Amazon (pub poetry event)